At V-plus Agritech, we've had the pleasure and honour of hosting 22 journalists from the 2022 class of the International Trade Fellowship this morning at our farm.
Trade finance and sustainability work in tandem, we were very happy to be able to introduce circular agriculture through aquaponics farming to them as part of their learning journey!
This program is organised by the Washington-based National Press Foundation who trains international journalists, and is sponsored by the Hinrich Foundation. The fellows represent reporters, editors and anchors from news outlets such as Bloomberg, CNBC, BBC, Global Finance, Nikkei, and MediaCorp News just to name a new.
Our Co-founder and CEO, Nelson Wei Tan, was explaining the science behind aquaponics farming method.
Our guests were thrilled to see the 1,200 tilapias during feeding time.
The journalists tried the freshly-picked vegetables, which are perfectly safe to consume even unwashed, as they are grown chemical-pesticides free.
The founders explaining what it meant to be truly 'circular' in agriculture and how it is actually achievable.
The journalists enjoyed a refreshing blend of fresh kale juices using the harvests from our farm.